Overwrite current font

Understanding "Overwrite Current Font" in AppSections Brand Style

The "Overwrite Current Font" setting in the AppSections Brand Style allows you to control which typography settings are applied to all components within the AppSections framework. This setting ensures that you can maintain a consistent font style across your store or revert to the theme's default typography if needed. Here is an explanation of how this setting works:

Overwrite Current Font Options

Overwrite Current Font:

  • Purpose: This setting determines whether the typography settings from the Brand Style will be applied to all AppSections components.

  • Usage: When enabled, the typography settings defined in the Brand Style will overwrite the default theme typography for all AppSections components. If disabled, the default theme typography will be used instead.

Steps to Adjust Overwrite Current Font

  1. Select the Brand Style:

    • Open your Shopify theme editor.

    • Navigate to the Brand Style settings.

  2. Locate the Overwrite Current Font Setting:

    • In the Brand Style settings, find the Overwrite Current Font option.

  3. Enable or Disable Overwrite Current Font:

    • Enable: Click to enable this option if you want the typography settings from the Brand Style to be applied to all AppSections components. This ensures that all text elements follow the fonts, sizes, and styles specified in your Brand Style settings.

    • Disable: Click to disable this option if you prefer to use the typography settings defined in your default theme for all AppSections components. This will maintain the original font styles specified in your theme.

Ensuring Consistent Typography

  1. Define Typography in Brand Style:

    • If you choose to overwrite the current font, make sure that the typography settings in your Brand Style are well-defined and consistent. This includes font family, size, weight, and style.

  2. Preview Changes:

    • After adjusting the Overwrite Current Font setting, preview your store to ensure the typography is applied as intended. Check various components to confirm that the font styles are consistent across all AppSections elements.

  3. Test Across Devices:

    • Verify the typography on different devices (mobile and desktop) to ensure that the font styles look good and are legible on all screen sizes.


By understanding and correctly applying the "Overwrite Current Font" setting, you can control whether the Brand Style typography or the theme's default typography is used for all AppSections components. This flexibility allows you to maintain a consistent look and feel across your store or to revert to the original theme settings as needed.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our customer support team.

Last updated