Select Poster

How to Select a Poster Image for Videos in AppSections Block Video Settings

The "Select Poster" setting in AppSections Block Video settings allows you to define a custom image that appears when the video is not playing. This setting enhances the visual appeal and provides a clear indication to users that the video can be played. Here is how you can select and customize a poster image for your videos:

Select Poster

Purpose: This setting allows you to add a custom poster image that displays when the video is not playing.

Usage: Follow the steps below to select and customize your poster image.

Steps to Select a Poster Image

  1. Select the Block Video:

    • Open your Shopify theme editor.

    • Navigate to the specific block video where you want to add or change the poster image.

  2. Locate the Select Poster Setting:

    • In the block video settings, find the Select Poster option.

  3. Add or Select a Poster Image:

    • Click on Select Image.

    • In the modal that appears, select the image you want to use as the poster from your library or upload a new image.

    • Click Done to confirm your selection.

Ensuring the Right Poster Image

  1. Preview Changes:

    • After selecting the poster image, preview your store to see how it looks.

    • Check the video block to ensure the poster image is applied correctly and enhances the visual appeal.

  2. Check Consistency:

    • Ensure that the poster image aligns with your brand’s aesthetic and provides a cohesive look across both desktop and mobile devices.

  3. Test Across Devices:

    • Verify the poster image on different devices to ensure it looks good and provides the desired visual indication on all screen sizes.


By using the "Select Poster" setting in the block video settings, you can add a custom image that displays when the video is not playing in your Shopify store. This flexibility allows you to enhance the visual appeal and user experience of your videos, ensuring a dynamic and engaging presentation across all devices.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our customer support team.

Last updated