Autoplay Delay

Autoplay Delay Setting in AppSections Brand Style

The "Autoplay Delay" setting in the AppSections Brand Style allows you to control the time interval between automatic transitions of slides when the Autoplay feature is enabled. This setting provides flexibility in pacing the content flow, ensuring it matches your desired user experience.

Autoplay Delay Options

  • Purpose: This setting allows you to define the delay time between each automatic slide transition when Autoplay is enabled. Adjusting the delay helps you control how quickly or slowly content is cycled through, which can enhance the overall user engagement and presentation.

  • Usage: Set the desired delay time using the provided range selector to control the interval between slides.


  • Range: The delay can be adjusted between 0.4 seconds and 20 seconds.

Steps to Adjust the Autoplay Delay Setting

  1. Select the Brand Style:

    • Open your Shopify theme editor.

    • Navigate to the Brand Style settings.

  2. Ensure Autoplay is Enabled:

    • First, ensure the Autoplay setting is checked, as the Autoplay Delay setting only applies when Autoplay is active.

  3. Locate the Autoplay Delay Setting:

    • Within the Brand Style settings, find the "Autoplay Delay" option, which should be accessible once Autoplay is enabled.

  4. Set the Desired Delay:

    • Use the range selector to set the delay time between slide transitions.

    • You can choose any delay between 0.4 seconds (for a fast-paced transition) to 20 seconds (for a slower, more relaxed transition).

  5. Preview Changes:

    • After setting the Autoplay Delay, preview your store to see how the slider transitions behave with the chosen timing.

    • Adjust the delay if necessary to ensure the pacing matches the content and user experience you want to create.

Ensuring the Right Autoplay Delay

  1. Preview Changes:

    • After setting the Autoplay Delay, preview the slider to see how the delay affects the overall flow of content.

    • Check different sliders to ensure the delay is consistent and aligns with the type of content being displayed.

  2. Check Consistency:

    • Ensure that the delay is neither too fast nor too slow, maintaining a smooth and engaging user experience. The pacing should be comfortable for viewers to absorb the content without feeling rushed or waiting too long.

  3. Test Across Devices:

    • Verify that the Autoplay Delay behaves consistently across different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless experience on both desktop and mobile devices.


By using the "Autoplay Delay" setting in the AppSections Brand Style, you can precisely control the timing of automatic slide transitions when Autoplay is enabled. This allows you to fine-tune the user experience, ensuring that your sliders display content at the optimal pace for engagement and readability across all devices.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our customer support team.

Last updated