
Pagination Setting in AppSections Brand Style

The "Pagination" setting in the AppSections Brand Style allows you to define how the navigation elements of sliders are displayed, providing visual cues to users as they interact with your slider. This setting enhances the user experience by clearly indicating the progress or position within the slider.

Pagination Options

  • Purpose: This setting enables different types of visual indicators for navigation within sliders, helping users understand their location within the slider and how much content is available to browse.

  • Usage: When the Pagination setting is enabled, you can choose from three different styles of pagination: Bullets, Progressbar, or Fraction.


  1. Bullets:

    • Description: The Bullets option displays small circular indicators at the bottom or side of the slider. Each bullet corresponds to a slide, and the active bullet highlights the current slide being viewed. This is a classic and minimalistic approach to pagination, offering a straightforward way for users to navigate between slides.

  2. Progressbar:

    • Description: The Progressbar option shows a horizontal or vertical bar that fills up as users navigate through the slides. This option provides a visual representation of progress through the slider, which is particularly useful for showcasing a sequence of related content or when you want to emphasize the flow of information.

  3. Fraction:

    • Description: The Fraction option displays the current slide number relative to the total number of slides (e.g., 1/5). This style is ideal when you want to give users a clear indication of how much content they have browsed and how much more is available, adding a precise and informative touch to the slider navigation.

Steps to Adjust the Pagination Setting

  1. Select the Brand Style:

    • Open your Shopify theme editor.

    • Navigate to the Brand Style settings.

  2. Enable Pagination:

    • Within the Brand Style settings, locate and check the "Pagination" option to enable pagination for your sliders.

  3. Choose the Desired Pagination Style:

    • Once Pagination is enabled, choose between the "Bullets," "Progressbar," or "Fraction" options to set the style of pagination that best suits your design and user experience goals.

  4. Preview Changes:

    • After selecting your preferred pagination style, preview your store to observe how the slider navigation appears and functions.

    • Ensure the chosen pagination style enhances usability and fits well with the overall design of your site.

Ensuring the Right Pagination Style

  1. Preview Changes:

    • After adjusting the pagination setting, preview your store to see how the pagination elements appear in context.

    • Test different sliders to ensure the pagination style is applied consistently and improves the user experience.

  2. Check Consistency:

    • Ensure that the selected pagination style aligns with your brand’s aesthetic and functions well across different types of sliders and content.

  3. Test Across Devices:

    • Verify that the pagination style is responsive and looks good on all screen sizes, ensuring usability on both desktop and mobile devices.


By using the "Pagination" setting in the AppSections Brand Style, you can control how slider navigation is presented, choosing between Bullets, Progressbar, or Fraction styles. This feature helps guide users through slider content in a way that is visually clear and consistent with your brand’s design, ensuring a seamless experience across all devices.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our customer support team.

Last updated