Remove Section

How to Remove a Section

Removing a section within your Shopify store using the AppSections application involves a straightforward approach. Follow these steps to correctly manage and remove a section using our custom settings:

Important Notes

Correct Removal Method: Ensure you follow these steps precisely to avoid issues with the structure of your store.

Steps to Remove a Section

  1. Select the Section:

    • Open your Shopify theme editor.

    • Navigate to the section you want to remove.

    • Select the section by clicking on it.

  2. Hover Over the Section:

    • Move your cursor over the selected section.

    • A trash icon (🗑️) will appear when you hover over the section.

  3. Click the Trash Icon:

    • Click on the trash icon to remove the section.

    • Confirm the removal if prompted.

Verifying the Change

  • Preview Changes: After removing the section, preview your store to ensure the section has been removed as intended.

By using these steps, you can effectively manage and remove sections within your Shopify store without disrupting the structure of your store. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our customer support team.

Last updated