External Custom Fonts

How to Use External Custom Fonts in AppSections Brand Style

The "External Custom Fonts" setting allows you to link to an external custom font for your Shopify store. This feature provides flexibility in choosing unique typography that aligns with your brand's aesthetic. Follow the steps below to integrate an external custom font using Google Fonts into your Shopify store.

Steps to Add an External Custom Font

  1. Go to Google Fonts:

  2. Select a Font:

    • Browse and click on the font that interests you.

    • Click on the Get font button.

  3. Download the Font:

    • Click on Download all to download a ZIP file containing the font.

    • A file named something like fontname.zip will be downloaded to your computer.

  4. Extract the Font File:

    • Open the ZIP file on your computer.

    • Extract the .ttf file (TrueType Font file) from the ZIP archive.

  5. Upload the Font to Shopify:

    • In the left-hand dropdown menu, click on Content and then select Files.

    • Click on Upload files.

    • Select the extracted .ttf file and upload it.

  6. Get the Font Link:

    • Once the file is uploaded, click on the Link button next to the uploaded file to get the URL link for the font file.

  7. Add Font URL to Brand Styles:

    • Return to your Shopify Theme Editor.

    • Navigate to Brand Styles > Typography.

    • Paste the URL link into the Font Custom 1 or Font Custom 2 field.

  8. Apply the Custom Font:

    • Ensure that the text elements you want to use the custom font for have the External Font option selected in their settings.

    • Make sure the previous settings are correctly applied to utilize the external font.

  9. Preview and Confirm:

    • Preview your store to confirm that the external custom font is applied correctly to the desired text elements.

    • Check both mobile and desktop views to ensure consistency and readability.


By following these steps, you can integrate an external custom font into your Shopify store, allowing you to use unique typography that matches your brand identity. This process involves downloading the font, uploading it to Shopify, and applying it through the Brand Styles settings.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our customer support team.

Last updated