
Direction Setting in Group Slider Block

The "Direction" setting within the Group Slider block allows you to define the orientation of the slider, providing options for horizontal or vertical movement. This setting determines how the content within the slider transitions, giving you flexibility in how your slides are presented to users.

Direction Options

  • Purpose: This setting allows you to choose the orientation of the slider, either horizontal or vertical. The direction you select can significantly impact the user experience, depending on the type of content and the overall layout of your section.

  • Usage: Select the desired direction to control whether the slider moves horizontally or vertically when users navigate through the slides.


  1. Horizontal:

    • Description: The Horizontal option configures the slider to move from left to right (or right to left) as users navigate through the slides. This is the more traditional and commonly used slider orientation, ideal for most content types and layouts where a side-to-side movement is intuitive and visually consistent.

  2. Vertical:

    • Description: The Vertical option configures the slider to move from top to bottom (or bottom to top) as users navigate through the slides. This orientation is particularly useful for layouts where you want to create a different visual experience, such as for showcasing product lists, testimonials, or any content where a top-to-bottom flow is more natural or effective.

Steps to Adjust the Direction Setting

  1. Select the Group Slider Block:

    • Open your Shopify theme editor.

    • Navigate to the specific section containing the Group Slider block.

  2. Locate the Direction Setting:

    • Within the Group Slider block settings, find the "Direction" option.

  3. Choose the Desired Slider Direction:

    • Select either "Horizontal" for a traditional left-to-right slider or "Vertical" for a top-to-bottom slider.

    • Ensure that the chosen direction aligns with your content presentation and overall design goals.

  4. Preview Changes:

    • After selecting the slider direction, preview your store to observe how the slider behaves with the chosen orientation.

    • Ensure the selected direction enhances the user experience and fits well with the layout of the section.

Ensuring the Right Slider Direction

  1. Preview Changes:

    • After setting the slider direction, preview your store to see how the content transitions with the selected orientation.

    • Verify that the direction chosen complements the layout and enhances the flow of content.

  2. Check Consistency:

    • Ensure that the slider direction is consistent with your brand’s design and that it provides a seamless experience across different sections where similar content layouts are used.

  3. Test Across Devices:

    • Verify that the slider direction is responsive and functional on all screen sizes, ensuring a smooth and intuitive experience on both desktop and mobile devices.


By using the "Direction" setting in the Group Slider block, you can control the orientation of the slider, choosing between Horizontal and Vertical movement. This flexibility allows you to tailor the slider's behavior to suit your content and design needs, ensuring a consistent and engaging user experience across all devices.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our customer support team.

Last updated