Add Brand Style

How to Add a Style

Adding a new style to your Shopify store using the AppSections application is a straightforward process. Follow the steps below to seamlessly integrate and activate a new style:

Steps to Add a Style

  1. Access Style Library:

    • Open the Shopify AppSections application.

    • Navigate to the Style Library within the application.

  2. Install the Chosen Style:

    • Browse through the available styles in the Style Library.

    • Once you find a style you like, click the Install Style button on the chosen style's card.

  3. Activate the Style in Shopify Theme Editor:

    • After installing the style, go to your Shopify theme editor.

    • The newly installed style will appear as active at the top of the left-hand pane, above the header, in the AppSections Styles category.

  4. AppSections Component Appearance:

    • All components from AppSections in your store will automatically update to reflect the new style. This ensures a consistent look and feel across your entire site.

Unique Application of Brand Styles

  1. Single Instance of Styles:

    • Each brand style can only be added once through the AppSections application. Attempting to add the same style more than once will overwrite any modifications made to the original style.

  2. Installation Restrictions:

    • Brand styles can only be installed using the AppSections application. Manual addition of styles through the theme editor is not supported and will result in non-functional styles.

Important Notes

  • Overwriting Warning: Adding the same style again will overwrite any changes made to the original. To avoid losing customizations, ensure you do not reinstall a style without backing up your modifications.

  • Manual Installation Not Supported: Styles must be installed through the AppSections application to ensure proper functionality. Manually added styles will not work correctly within your theme.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively manage and customize your brand styles within your Shopify store. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our customer support team.

By following these steps, you can easily enhance the appearance of your Shopify store with new styles, ensuring that your site stays fresh and visually appealing. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our customer support team.

Last updated