
Gap Setting in AppSections Brand Style

The "Gap" setting in the AppSections Brand Style allows you to control the spacing between elements within your sliders. This setting provides three standard sizes—Large, Medium, and Small—each of which can be adjusted to define the amount of space between slider items, ensuring consistency and alignment with your brand’s design.

Gap Options

  • Purpose: This setting allows you to define the spacing (in pixels) between items within your sliders. By adjusting the gap for Large, Medium, and Small sizes, you can maintain a consistent and visually pleasing layout across different sections of your store.

  • Usage: Use the sliders to adjust the gap size for each category (Large, Medium, Small) within the range of 0 to 50 pixels.


  1. Large:

    • Description: The Large setting controls the gap size between elements when a more spacious layout is desired. This is ideal for sections where you want to emphasize separation between items, giving the content room to breathe.

  2. Medium:

    • Description: The Medium setting offers a balanced gap size, providing moderate spacing that is neither too tight nor too loose. This is a versatile setting suitable for most layouts where a standard level of spacing is required.

  3. Small:

    • Description: The Small setting allows for tighter spacing between elements, which can be useful in more compact layouts where space is at a premium, or when you want items to appear more connected.

Steps to Adjust the Gap Setting

  1. Select the Brand Style:

    • Open your Shopify theme editor.

    • Navigate to the Brand Style settings.

  2. Locate the Gap Settings:

    • Find the "Gap" section within the Brand Style settings, where you will see sliders for Large, Medium, and Small gap sizes.

  3. Adjust the Desired Gap Sizes:

    • Use the sliders to adjust the gap size for each category. You can set the gap anywhere from 0 pixels (no gap) to 50 pixels (maximum gap).

    • Ensure that the gap sizes reflect your design needs and enhance the overall layout of your sliders.

  4. Preview Changes:

    • After setting the gap sizes, preview your store to observe how the spacing between slider elements affects the overall design and usability.

    • Make adjustments as necessary to ensure the gaps are consistent with your brand’s aesthetic and functional requirements.

Ensuring the Right Gap Sizes

  1. Preview Changes:

    • After adjusting the gap sizes, preview your store to see how the spacing between elements appears in different sections. This will help you determine if the spacing is visually balanced and meets your design goals.

  2. Check Consistency:

    • Ensure that the gap sizes for Large, Medium, and Small settings are applied consistently across all relevant sections of your store. Consistency in spacing helps maintain a professional and cohesive look.

  3. Test Across Devices:

    • Verify that the gap sizes are responsive and look good on all screen sizes, ensuring that the layout remains visually appealing and functional on both desktop and mobile devices.


By using the "Gap" setting in the AppSections Brand Style, you can control the spacing between slider items with three standard sizes: Large, Medium, and Small. This flexibility allows you to fine-tune the layout and ensure a consistent and professional presentation across all devices.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our customer support team.

Last updated