
Position Setting in AppSections Brand Style

The "Position" setting in the AppSections Brand Style allows you to control the alignment of sliders within your store. This setting provides two alignment options, ensuring that your slider’s placement complements the overall design and layout of your website.

Position Options

  • Purpose: This setting allows you to define how sliders are aligned on your page, offering flexibility to enhance the visual structure of your content.

  • Usage: Choose between two alignment options to determine the horizontal position of your sliders within the page layout.


  1. Left:

    • Description: The Left option aligns the slider to the left side of the page or container. This option is ideal if you want to maintain a traditional layout or if your design requires content to be anchored to the left side, providing a more structured and formal presentation.

  2. Center:

    • Description: The Center option aligns the slider to the center of the page or container. This alignment is perfect for creating a balanced and symmetrical look, drawing attention to the slider as a focal point. Centering your slider can enhance the user experience by making the content appear more organized and visually appealing.

Steps to Adjust the Position Setting

  1. Select the Brand Style:

    • Open your Shopify theme editor.

    • Navigate to the Brand Style settings.

  2. Locate the Position Setting:

    • Within the Brand Style settings, find the "Position" option.

  3. Choose the Desired Position:

    • Select "Left" to align the slider to the left side.

    • Select "Center" to position the slider in the center of the page.

  4. Preview Changes:

    • After selecting your preferred position, preview your store to observe how the slider alignment affects the overall layout.

    • Ensure the chosen position aligns with your design goals and enhances the visual appeal of your content.

Ensuring the Right Slider Position

  1. Preview Changes:

    • After adjusting the position setting, preview your store to see how the slider alignment looks in different contexts.

    • Check various pages where sliders are used to ensure the alignment is consistent and visually cohesive.

  2. Check Consistency:

    • Ensure that the selected position complements your brand’s overall aesthetic and layout, creating a harmonious design across all pages.

  3. Test Across Devices:

    • Verify that the slider position appears correctly on different screen sizes, maintaining usability and visual balance on both desktop and mobile devices.


By using the "Position" setting in the AppSections Brand Style, you can control the horizontal alignment of sliders on your Shopify store, choosing between Left and Center positioning. This flexibility allows you to create a layout that aligns with your brand’s design principles, ensuring a consistent and professional presentation across all devices.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our customer support team.

Last updated