Autoplay ?

Autoplay Setting in YouTube Block

The "Autoplay" setting within the YouTube Block allows you to control whether the embedded YouTube video automatically plays when the page loads. This setting can enhance user engagement by starting the video without requiring manual interaction, making it easier for visitors to view your content.

Autoplay Option

  • Purpose: This setting enables the video to automatically start playing as soon as the page containing the YouTube block is loaded. Autoplay is useful for grabbing the viewer's attention immediately, particularly for promotional content or important messages.

  • Usage: When checked, the video will begin playing automatically. If left unchecked, the video will require the user to click the play button to start.


  1. Checked (Enabled):

    • Description: When the Autoplay setting is checked, the YouTube video embedded in the block will automatically start playing as soon as the page loads. This is particularly effective for ensuring that visitors are immediately engaged with the video content, making it prominent and easy to access.

  2. Unchecked (Disabled):

    • Description: When the Autoplay setting is unchecked, the video will not start playing automatically. Instead, users will need to manually click the play button to watch the video. This is useful when you want to give users control over when they start viewing the video, preventing potential interruptions or unwanted audio on page load.

Steps to Adjust the Autoplay Setting

  1. Select the YouTube Block:

    • Open your Shopify theme editor.

    • Navigate to the specific section containing the YouTube block.

  2. Locate the Autoplay Setting:

    • Within the YouTube block settings, find the "Autoplay" option.

  3. Enable or Disable Autoplay:

    • Check the box to enable Autoplay, allowing the video to start automatically when the page loads.

    • Uncheck the box if you prefer the video to start only when the user clicks play.

  4. Preview Changes:

    • After adjusting the Autoplay setting, preview your store to ensure the video behaves as expected.

    • Confirm that the Autoplay feature enhances the user experience without causing any disruptions or unwanted behavior.

Ensuring the Right Autoplay Experience

  1. Preview Changes:

    • After enabling or disabling Autoplay, preview your store to observe how the video behaves on page load. Ensure that the setting aligns with your content strategy and user expectations.

  2. Consider User Experience:

    • If Autoplay is enabled, ensure the content of the video is immediately relevant and engaging, as users may not expect or desire sudden audio or video playback.

    • If Autoplay is disabled, make sure the video’s play button is clearly visible and easy to interact with.

  3. Test Across Devices:

    • Verify that the Autoplay setting functions correctly across different devices, ensuring a consistent experience on both desktop and mobile platforms.


By using the "Autoplay" setting in the YouTube Block, you can control whether the video starts playing automatically when the page loads. This feature can enhance engagement by immediately presenting video content to users, but it should be used thoughtfully to ensure a positive user experience.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our customer support team.

Last updated