Infinite Loop ?

Infinite Loop Setting in AppSections Brand Style

The "Infinite Loop" setting in the AppSections Brand Style controls whether your sliders will continuously cycle through their content without stopping. When enabled, this setting allows for a seamless and repetitive display of your slider's items, which can enhance the user experience by ensuring that visitors never reach the end of the slider.

Infinite Loop Option

  • Purpose: This setting allows you to enable or disable the continuous looping of sliders, ensuring that the content scrolls indefinitely without interruption.

  • Usage: Toggle the Infinite Loop option to determine whether your sliders should loop continuously or stop once the last slide is reached.


  • Checked (Enabled):

    • Description: When the Infinite Loop setting is checked, the slider will continuously cycle through its slides. Once the last slide is reached, the slider automatically returns to the first slide, creating an endless loop. This is particularly useful for showcasing a series of products, promotions, or images that you want to keep in constant view, ensuring that visitors never encounter a static end to the slider.

  • Unchecked (Disabled):

    • Description: When the Infinite Loop setting is unchecked, the slider will stop once it reaches the last slide. Users can manually navigate back to previous slides, but the slider will not automatically loop back to the beginning. This option is ideal if you want to create a linear and finite presentation of content, where users can clearly see where the slider starts and ends.

Steps to Adjust the Infinite Loop Setting

  1. Select the Brand Style:

    • Open your Shopify theme editor.

    • Navigate to the Brand Style settings.

  2. Locate the Infinite Loop Setting:

    • Within the Brand Style settings, find the "Infinite Loop" option.

  3. Toggle the Infinite Loop:

    • Check the box to enable Infinite Loop and allow the slider to loop continuously.

    • Uncheck the box to disable Infinite Loop, making the slider stop after the last slide.

  4. Preview Changes:

    • After adjusting the Infinite Loop setting, preview your store to observe how the slider behaves.

    • Ensure that the looping behavior meets your design expectations and enhances the user experience.

Ensuring the Right Infinite Loop Behavior

  1. Preview Changes:

    • After enabling or disabling the Infinite Loop, preview your store to see how the slider behaves in real-time.

    • Check different sliders across your site to ensure the Infinite Loop setting is applied consistently and appropriately.

  2. Check Consistency:

    • Ensure that the Infinite Loop setting aligns with your brand’s overall design strategy. Consider whether continuous looping or a finite slider best suits the content being displayed.

  3. Test Across Devices:

    • Verify that the Infinite Loop functions correctly on various devices, ensuring a smooth and consistent user experience on both desktop and mobile screens.


By using the "Infinite Loop" setting in the AppSections Brand Style, you can control whether your sliders loop continuously or stop after the last slide. This setting provides flexibility to enhance the user experience, whether you prefer a dynamic, never-ending display or a more structured, finite presentation.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our customer support team.

Last updated